
Small public employers, are you eligible? Use the tool.

When comparing GASBhelp to other options, please remember that there are no hidden charges or extra fees with GASBhelp. Other firms charge for customer support and for the 2nd year roll forward calculations. The all-inclusive GASBhelp fee includes:

The regular fee for using GASBhelp is $3,150 for 2 years of complete access. Promotional codes may also be available which offer reduced fees. If you have fewer than 10 plan members you may qualify for special pricing. Also, we now offer the option of having us input your data for you. Please contact GASBhelp customer service at or (860) 687-0148 for further information.

Milliman actuaries and consultants from around the country collaborated to create GASBhelp™. This online GASB 75 tool was built by Milliman in accordance with the methodologies of the GASB 75 Alternative Measurement Method (AMM), has undergone rigorous testing, and meets Milliman’s peer review requirements. GASBhelp has hundreds of very satisfied users from across the United States.