
In 1995 a Milliman representative participated in the GASB OPEB Task Force, a committee that advised the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) during the creation of GASB 75. Since GASB 75 was issued in August 2004, Milliman has performed hundreds of GASB 75 valuations across the country, including valuations for states, municipalities, water districts, school systems, utilities, and other public entities. Now that GASB 45 has been replaced by GASB 75, Milliman has assembled an internal group of experts tasked with ensuring that our consultants and clients can seamlessly implement GASB 75's requirements. With hundreds of qualified pension and health actuaries and 32 office locations across the United States, Milliman is uniquely positioned to offer solutions to OPEB related issues.

Milliman actuaries and consultants from around the country collaborated to create GASBhelp™. This online tool was built by Milliman in accordance with the methodologies of the GASB 75 Alternative Measurement Method (AMM), has undergone rigorous testing and meets Milliman’s peer review requirements. GASBhelp already has more than 350 users from across the United States.

GASBhelp is fully compliant with GASB 75

GASBhelp employs the GASB 75 AMM. Normally, the AMM must be performed by an expert to avoid additional auditing requirements. GASBhelp was created and rigorously checked by Milliman actuaries who have pension and health expertise, so auditors can recognize that the calculations performed by GASBhelp are fully compliant with GASB 75.

The comprehensive report issued by GASBhelp contains all auditor-required elements, including the information necessary to understand the inputs, assumptions, valuation methodology, and valuation results. Milliman customer service representatives are also available to answer questions that auditors may have.